The Bachelor of Science in Statistics program of UP Visayas was first implemented in June 2000. It is a four-year course that provides students with a sound understanding of the underlying theories and applications of statistical methods.

The faculty members of the Statistics cluster of the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics are well-equipped with statistical training and experience from various institutions such as UP Diliman, University Libre de Bruxelles, University of Pittsburgh, and Western Michigan University.

The program equips students with skills and competencies through various teaching and learning approaches that facilitate attainment of the nine learning outcomes, which are categorized as subject – specific and generic outcomes. These Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with the educational philosophy of the University. The curriculum of the program includes major and elective General Education (GE) courses, and other required courses that help achieve generic outcomes. On the other hand, foundation, core, and elective Statistics courses provide knowledge and technical skills that aid students achieve subject – specific outcomes.

The curriculum design is logically structured and sequenced such that the courses required by the program are structured from foundation to core and elective courses to properly balance theoretical and applied courses. Although the program is designed to offer courses in general track to expose students to various disciplines in Statistics, it also offers specialized elective courses in Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and other related fields. These allow and prepare students to consider various career options in the future (e.g. data science, biomedical research, economics, government surveys, market research, finance and insurance, etc.) as well as pursue graduate studies in their chosen field.

Having ensured the alignment of courses offered by the program with the PLOs, and consequently, the alignment of the PLOs with the University’s Philosophy of Education, the graduates of the BS in Statistics program are expected to exhibit the UP Graduate attributes.

The graduates of the B.S. in Statistics program should be able to:

  • demonstrate mastery of the theories and methods in Statistics
  • prepare for graduate studies, career in teaching, government and in various industries
  • apply statistical tools in analyzing data to extract information about national issues and interests especially in the field of fisheries and marine sciences
  • offer solutions and insights based on empirical knowledge in making decisions pertaining to certain social issues
  • effectively communicate results of statistical analyses for different stakeholders
  • implement studies with impact on local and national developments
  • work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environments
  • demonstrate professional, social, and ethical responsibility in his career
  • work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environments

BS in Statistics is a 4-year undergraduate program consisting of 148 units.

Curriculum Structure Units
General Education (GE) Required Courses 21
General Education Elective Courses 15
Foundation Courses 20
Core Courses 58
Statistics Elective Courses 12
Mathematics / Computer Science Elective Courses 6
Free Elective Courses 6
Legal Requirements (PI 100) 3
Other Requirements (PE, NSTP) 14
Total 148
Program Structure
Courses Title Credits Prerequisites

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